Becoming the Change You Want to See
The path to enlightenment doesn't need to lead to an ashram. Anyone can walk it.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. —Mahatma Ghandi
We’re all familiar with this wisdom from one of the world’s most respected and revered leaders. This singular sentence is considered one of the all-time great insights regarding personal development and responsibility.
But it doesn’t appear that we’re listening, especially in regard to peace, be it world peace or inner peace. Why? Certainly everyone (outside of the military machine that profits from war) wants it. Ask anyone on the street, anywhere in the world, if they want peace and the answer will most assuredly be a resounding “yes.”
So what are we doing wrong?
I believe “being” peace is putting the cart before the horse. We need to “become” peaceful before we can be peace.
According to Paul Dugliss, MD, author of numerous books including Think with the Heart, Love with the Mind, “We mistake the end for the means. We see someone who is peaceful, or unattached, or blissful, and think, ‘That’s how I want to be, so…