You may have heard the expression, “If you want to get something done, ask a busy person.” The counter-intuitive advice reminds us that an object (person) in motion stays in motion and will continue to do so no matter how many things they carry along the way.
The same type of reasoning can be applied to the seemingly opposites of order and chaos. Conventional wisdom tells us that efficiency and productivity belong to the highly organized and Type-A personalities. No wasted time or energy permitted. Set a goal, define action steps, go until you arrive at destination: Success!
But nature, the only wisdom you can truly trust, tells a different story: True (organic) order arises out of chaos in its own time—which means that everything is always in perfect order in the natural world. (And so it can be in ours if we choose to follow nature instead of convention.)
You can take my word for it, or the words spoken by many spiritual leaders over the ages on the subje…