Tarot Tuesday
If you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, confused, or just plain indecisive, there’s good reason. Today brings the Virgo Full Moon, Saturn enters Pisces (joining Mercury, who arrived five days ago), and in a little over two weeks, on March 23, Pluto enters Aquarius. That’s a lot of powerful astral energy affecting your auric field (or, bio field for my science-focused readers :).
The Spread for the Collective offers the best perspective on how to proceed.
7 of Cups. So many choices! The situation can be overwhelming. The desire to choose correctly only complicates the decision and adds anxiety to the mix. This card suggests that focusing solely on what you see in front of you sometimes obscures your clear vision instead of sharpening it.
The best decision? Ground yourself before taking any action or making any choices. Simply turn around and gaze out at the peace of the ocean, unseen …