Happy Two-Year Anniversary, dear readers! Not all of you were here from the beginning, so this marks a good time to get to know one another better.
My first post was published May 6, 2021. Without going too far down Memory Lane, I began this newsletter shortly after my husband’s death and one year into Covid. I needed something to keep me sane and help me make sense of what was going on in my life and the world the only way I know how—via writing and reading.
At the time, I felt isolated—not only because of pandemic restrictions, but because I held views of the prevailing situation that weren’t popular with mainstream media or public opinion. More importantly (for me), I felt I had ideas about how to not only survive the current crisis, but truly change the underlying causes of the unrest that were rocking the world.
I saw my grief mirrored in everyone around the globe. Loss was everywhere. Loss of loved ones, income, health, connection—it seemed that no one and…