It was a overcast and somewhat gloomy, wet day yesterday in Asheville. Driving down the wooded two-lane road to my home, I was reminded of my time in Issaquah, WA, with Joe. It doesn’t take much for me to have something spark a memory of Joe, but this felt more pressing… as if a message was being sent.
I’ve learned to take note of these “flashes,” “inklings,” “murmurs,” “insights,” or whatever you want to call them. I know everyone gets them, and you may overlook them, as I once did. But now I wait patiently for the follow-up message that inevitably shows up.
And it did this morning. What I noted yesterday was that although the overall mood and colors of the day were similar to what was present during our April 2018 stay in Issaquah, what was missing was the verdant green moss that covered the dark barks of the trees. Missing, like Joe was in the car beside me.
This morning I got an email from Duke Energy (I know, really?) with an Arbor Day message. T…