Can you feel the astral energy abounding? The sun, moon, stars, and planets have been performing an intricate dance and we’re experiencing the reverberations of the heavenly movement.
Astrologer Jessica Murray notes in her monthly blog, Skywatch, “Everything’s shifting this month. There are no fewer than six ingresses (planets moving out of one sign and into another): Mercury and Saturn both enter Pisces (3/2 and 7), Venus enters her home sign of Taurus (3/16), and Mercury and the Sun enter Aries, back-to-back (3/19/20)…
“The headliner, of course, is Pluto, which makes its move right after the Equinox. On 3/23 the Dark God enters Aquarius, where it will stay for twenty years. It will [briefly] retrograde back into Capricorn in June, but not before giving us a glimpse of where the world’s mindset is headed.”
I’m not an astronomer nor an astrologer so I won’t try to explain the precise meaning of each of these astral events. I do know that we are collectively experiencing a general overriding sense of change or disruption and that these events affect each of us differently based on our individual natal charts.
I can confidently assert I am most definitely caught up in this month’s swirl of cosmic movement. And it’s not feeling too great to me. And it’s affecting my writing. Perhaps My Muse is celebrating spring by doing a tango with the New Moon, but she’s definitely abandoned me. The note she left in my Oracle cards advises that I should take this time for healing with retreat, introspection, and cleansing. (That’s practically a direct quote.)
I am aware that I’m deliquent in making good on my promised follow up to Suspending (Dis)belief, Part 1. Although I doubt you are on the edge of your desk chair waiting for that transmission, I feel a personal and professional commitment to keeping my word. (You’ve probably noticed that words are important to me.)
I have been through enough of these dry periods to know that they are followed by spurts of extreme productivity, so I’m asking for your understanding and patience while I sort things out.
According to Jessica Murray, “These transitions create undercurrents in the mass vibration which we would do well to accommodate. Life works a lot more smoothly when we align ourselves with what’s already happening.”
Please also understand that I am not blaming the heavenly bodies for the tumult in my life and on Earth. I believe that although our lives may be reflections of the cosmic change, once we get to the other side of the resulting drama/trauma, we realize that all is as it should be, all the time—even when it does not appear to be so. We can’t get where we’re going without experiencing where we’ve been. And that’s on us.
In fact, another great writer whose work I respect—William Shakespeare—suggests the same, as spoken by Cassius in Julius Caesar:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
The fact that I’ve reached this far in a written document and feel it’s ready for sharing is proof positive to me that things are on the upswing. Please know that I appreciate your continued support and connection. I’m not making any finite promises, but do be on the lookout for Suspending (Dis)Belief, Part 2, in your email box in the relatively near future :)
Have you also experienced a major shift, change, or upheaval in a relationship or situation this month? The last two people I spoke to had similar challenging experiences to mine—and all on the same day! If so, I’d love to hear from you.
Until next time… My best, Shelley
As always, thank you for your words. You do them well, despite your muse. All is well and in good timing. Spring time in general brings me hope. Sending you love and virtual hugs. Pam