Full moons are known to be optimum times to release and let go of that which no longer serves you. Appearing larger, closer, and for longer than usual, this month’s super moon puts that opportunity on steroids.
When we let go of old ideas and habits, we make room for new energy. As the midpoint for the year, June is the ideal month to fill that space with love—not just romance, but love for the planet, all living things, and life in general.
Pulling the card for the new moon in Libra represents the energy of love, harmony, and negotiation at this time. So as you open your heart to the luminous energy of this month’s full moon, let it fill with appreciation, positive vibes, and a generous nature.
And don’t discount the possibility of romance…a rekindling of a former romance or someone completely new!
Or, could it be that self-love is what you need the most right now?
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