Every city has a vibe. The first time Joe and I visited Asheville in 2003, we walked down the street and turned to one another and said almost in unison, “We’re moving here.” We also both felt a nostalgia, like we had returned to the Greenwich Village of the 60s. Once we did move in 2007, we discovered we were only two of many who had similar experiences.
I’ve heard claims that it’s the large crystal deposit below the city that attracts souls of a specific vibration. That also explains why it’s one of the woo-woo capitals of the world. Asheville is considered the third largest energy vortex in the nation, after Sedona and Mt. Shasta. I’ve been reading extensively about this phenonemon, and I’ll share more about it in another post.
We had a similar experience our first time in Portland, OR. We weren’t moved to get a physical residence there, although we agreed we certainly could live there very happily. But just as Asheville had evoked the peace-and-lo…