It’s sunny, funny May. The trees and flowers are blooming. Winter clothes are packed away, only to be dragged out for a sudden drop in temperature. You’ve had the a/c and heat turned on alternately on two consecutive days. Ah, but look… there’s the sun again.
The energy of the cards reflects both our outer and inner worlds. Here’s what this spread suggests:
3 of Inspiration: You’ve got your dancing shoes on, your dominos in a row, and you’re cruising along. The path ahead may be a bit curvy, but you’ve got the steps covered. Whoohoo, you’re on your way.
5 of Voices: Uh-oh. Conflict? Setbacks? Loss? Competition? Grrr. Who’s getting in your way? Must you win every battle? Is there enough for everyone? Is it time to make peace and learn to co-exist?
Temperance: Maybe there’s a middle path. Dancers rely on balance to soar across the floor while spinning. The way to do it is to “spot.” According to the Rockettes,* to avoid dizziness and disorientation when turning, keep your eyes focused on a single point across the room. When your head can no longer turn enough to continue focusing on your spot, immediately snap the head around toward your other shoulder to find the spot again. Other tips they share:
Keep your eyes on your spot as long as possible.
Stay sharp—your spotting should never be sluggish.
On every turn, try to refocus your eyes as you find your spot again.
In other words, stay alert, stay on your path, and stop looking at what others are doing.
But, if another dancer stumbles across your path, maybe it’s because the world’s choreography is calling for a pas de deux right now. Don’t trample on someone else’s misstep with your spikes. Stay light on your feet with soft-sole shoes and wait for the cue to resume your solo. That’s the way to be the lead in the show.
Have a great week, twinkletoes ;) Until next Tarot Tuesday. xo, Shelley
Tomorrow evening at 7pm ET I will be hosting a Supporter Call for paid subscribers. It’s an opportunity to get a personal reading, ask me questions about Tarot, or let’s gush about Joe’s photography. Your call. If you want to join us and you’re not a paid subscriber yet, there’s still time.
If you’re already on the list, look for an email with a Zoom link tomorrow, May 18. See you soon!
*How To Spot Your Dance Turns, The Radio City Rockettes.