In times of spiritual overwhelm, it’s easy for our vision to become clouded. But our spirits were not meant to linger in despair. Those are the times we must take our cues from the Universe to embrace the light(er) side and nourish our souls with laughter. Sometimes those reminder signals take the form of signs… physical, not metaphorical, signs.
Being a photographer-writer couple, Joe and I were sensitive to visual signs and messages—as a team. Separately, he was 100 percent image-focused and I’m 100 percent word-oriented.
For example, when we arrived in Portland, OR, we parked the car and looked for a coffee shop. It was a cold December day and our eyes scanned the streets as we walked quickly. We turned a corner. I squealed and pointed at a huge sign, jumping up and down like a two-year old.
Joe followed my finger and his eyes lit up. “Great old building,” he said, reaching for his camera.
I was puzzled. “What building?”
“The one you’re pointing to. Lo…