Are you ready to trade in old limited-belief systems for expansive-thinking that serves your true self and the planet? Learn how to tap your inner wisdom for guidance and claim your independence from outside sources.
Energy is Everything
The image above was created by my late husband, Joe Gemignani, in October 2017. We were at the onset of our three years of travel across the United States. From our New Hampshire location, we were able to experience Autumn in New England and it was a photographer’s dream field trip.
The particular day he took this photo is one of my best memories. It was Halloween and we traveled first to Salem, which was in high gear for celebrating the day. Once we got there, however, something about it didn’t sit right with me. This was the site of witch burnings and other fatal punishments for women accused of witchcraft. And people were dancing in the streets?? The bad vibes were disturbing to me, and we left quickly for a more upbeat location only 30 minutes away…Rockport, MA.
Joe took many photographs in Rockport that day and I plan to do a photo essay for Halloween 2024 as a remembrance and tribute to some of his finest work.
For today, the memory of the fun we shared that day is a comfort measure I’m taking. My day began with a quick scan of Facebook for updates about Asheville. To my dismay, what came to my attention was bad news.
As people are finding ways to connect to the internet by relocation or being able to access a hotspot in the area, more and more stories of grief and loss are being shared. Some dear friends have lost everything—homes, property, vehicles, businesses—barely escaping with their lives.
Asheville is an artist community and many of them are known to me for 15+ years. Some lost their studios and everything in it; others lost that and artwork displayed or for sale in galleries. An entire area of town called the River Arts District was leveled.
When Joe and I first arrived in Asheville in 2007, this area included only a handful of artist studios. Over the years, it’s emerged as an arts center with many studios, galleries, restaurants, and businesses. Now, all is gone. (I can’t bear to look at the photos, and I’m not posting any because I do not want to cement that image of the area I love in my memory or anyone else’s.)
I spent my first hour of the day crying. Not only for my friends with great losses, but I sensed the despair of those who stayed and still have no or only intermittent electricity, cell, internet, and water. Even with the valiant community support efforts, it’s weeks now of enduring bare, survival-only conditions with little prospects of services being restored for months…well into 2025 for some.
A few days ago, I made plane reservations to return home at the end of this week. I'd learned that my area had electricity, water, internet, and cell service much of the time. As much as I love being with my family in New Jersey, Asheville is my home and my heart.
Then yesterday and today, I received reports that serious water toxicity issues exist, and I have deep concerns for the health ramifications. Yes, there is drinking water being made available and a boil water mandate is in effect. Yet they say the water (in my area) can be used for bathing, washing clothes, and dishes. It is not safe for drinking or brushing teeth.
I’m not encouraged. Since there’s no precedent for this level of destruction and contamination to the system, how do they know what “safe” is? I don’t know if they’re even testing yet. What levels of toxicity (bacterial infection) is safe for showering, anyway? And not just once or twice, but possibly for months?
If it’s not safe for consumption, do I want to wash my body, my clothes, or my dishes with it? Toxins can permeate the skin.
What will the long-term effects of unsafe water be on our health and well being?
Unchecked, our minds can picture worst-case scenarios with little effort. For some reason, disasters are easier to picture than happy endings. I know this. I teach this. I’ve worked to hard to live in a consciousness of positivity and possibility. I’ve learned how to control my thoughts rather than have them control me.
And so I leaned into what I KNOW to be true. The source of my power doesn’t come from anyone or anything human-derived. It’s not info from the government, social media, or news reports.
My power comes from within me and is sourced by Mother Earth and Divine forces. I can lean into the part of me that receives guidance from the energies of the natural and spiritual worlds. I’ve learned how to use intuition to connect to My Higher Self. And so I did.
Grounding (sometimes called “earthing”) is a scientifically proven practice of receiving health-sustaining Earth energy by walking barefoot on grass or natural surfaces. I can do it here at my daughter’s home because she has a lovely outside yard. Grounding can also be achieved by any connection to nature, on a walk, a scenic view, even watching scenes and hearing sounds of natural environments on video.
And although physical grounding isn’t always possible, energetic grounding is something anyone can do anywhere, at any time. Energetic grounding is what I practice most often. It’s the act of closing one’s eyes, focusing on the lower body, seated with feet on ground, and imagining a grounding cord dropping from your tailbone into the earth. Let it continue to descend until you feel securely held and stable.
Once that connection is established, use your breath and release thoughts that do not support you down your grounding cord. After several rounds of breaths or when you feel the release, turn your attention to the crown of your head. Imagine white or silver light entering the top of your head with healing, calm energy and filling the areas you’ve just cleared.
Continue until you sense that the light has filled the central channel of your being. Allow the positive energy of that light to extend throughout your body and emerge through your skin to illuminate and energize your auric (bio) field… extending approximately an arm’s length above, below, and around your body.
Spirit of Place
The grounding practice is just that—a practice. Be gentle with yourself and expectations. It’s not difficult to do, but it can take some repetition to master. If you’re in a state of high anxiety or stress, just settle down and focus on your breath first.
By helping you release anxious thoughts and inducing a calmer state of mind, grounding boosts your ability to focus and concentrate. It allows you to make important decisions and take action from a place of certainty and with a clear head.
Energy is Everything. The energy, or spirit, of your surroundings affects you on physical and emotional levels. You can’t always control your environment, but you can choose to control how you respond.
I believe we can learn a great deal from the ways of our ancestors and indigenous cultures who looked to the earth and the skies for guidance. Instead of poo-pooing ancient rituals or dismissing them as woo-woo practices, it’s time to place our trust in what we know to be real: The elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. That’s the power that can never be lost.
The energy of love, the memories of days spent with loved ones, and connection to All That Is in Nature is what sustains life.
We can feel the energy of place. It’s what drove me out of Salem and off to Rockport that day seven years ago.
That is why I could redirect my thoughts today to remember a better time and tap into the power of possibility.
That is why I am guided to return home to Asheville to stand on the ground, get strength from Blue Ridge (Smoky) Mountains, and decide what is the best course of action for me going forward.
What’s next?
I have added recovery prayers for Asheville, Florida, my friends, and all those affected by the storms to my daily meditation practice. If you would like me to mention you or someone by name during this healing ritual, please reply to this email or comment below. I also plan to organize a group healing led by a multitude of practitioners to focus concentrated, healing energies for those in need. More about that to come as it develops.
A quick internet search will provide information about the many organizations collecting donations for rescue and restoration efforts. Two of my favorites are Food Connection and BeLoved Asheville. There are many ways to support those in need right now. Follow your own heart.
Upgrading to paid subscriber or booking an intuitive session is a way you can help me recoup my losses and continue my healing work. Each time I do a reading or healing session, I benefit as well. So, thank you in advance!
Anyone directly affected by the storm can contact me for a free healing session.
In case you were wondering…
What is an intuitive session?
“Intuitive energy healing,” according to Wendy De Rosa, founder of the School of Intuitive Studies (where I received my certification), “addresses the energy held in the body, mind, soul, and universe that may contribute to a physical, emotional, mental, or energetic symptom…. When this energy is released, a person often feels clear, lighter, inspired, uplifted, supported, and more connected to their true self.”
In an intuitive session, I tune into your auric (bio)field and together we explore root causes, clear blockages, and invite in new energy to connect you to the outcome you desire.
Working together, we can heal ourselves, each other, and the planet!
May this information support you on your journey. Until next time… My best, Shelley