With every occurrence of a celebrity death, social media feeds reflect an outpouring of admiration and recollections of the contributions of the individual. Glowing tributes and expressions of sorrow at their passing abound. And that’s nice.
I was particularly struck with the significance of these public tributes at the onset of 2022, when I observed the reactions to the deaths of Betty White, Meatloaf, and Thich Nhat Hahn in a three-week period. Personally, I thought the level of grief expressed for Meatloaf was a bit out of proportion compared to the loss of Betty White and Thich Nhat Hahn. (But that’s just a personal observation. No disrespect intended for the rock ‘n’ roll icon, and if you were a fan, my condolences for your loss.)
Certainly the beloved TV star and Buddhist monk received the adoration they deserved during their lifetimes. And the public display of affection and sadness at their passing was understandable, as we have witnessed at the …