The 4 of Pentacles Is Talking to You
Repetitive cards indicate a message to be heeded
Saturday, April 30, was a Black Moon, or a second new moon in the same month. I pulled a card for the collective, the 4 of Pentacles, and wrote about the significance of the energy here. (If you haven’t read the short post yet, I suggest you do so now.)
Today, with the new moon energy still present, I pulled a spread for the collective. The 4 of Pentacles showed up again, and its position in the spread is telling you to pay attention. Different deck, different artwork, but same meaning. Here’s what you need to know:
The reading is all about money, abundance, material possessions—and how you feel about those things.
This is the reading you would hope for if you had asked about finances.
Ace of Pentacles is a sign that a new opportunity with the potential to bring great results is here or headed your way. It could be a great idea, financial/business opportunity, or something lucrative.
Page of Pentacles brings the energy of grow…