Tarot Tuesday
I’m not usually one for idioms and clichés, but sometimes those phrases are appropriate. Such is the case today with this reading. My advice?
Strike while the iron’s hot.
I’m not even sure what to call this particular spread. While I was shuffling and voicing my intention to receive the highest and best information for the Collective today, these cards fell from the deck…in the order shown. I felt the impatience—no, insistence—of the Universe wanting to get the message across. I also felt a bit of urgency, as if there might be some time constraints or limits.
So, reading left to right as past, present, and future influences, here’s the good news—with the slight caveat not to delay action.
Life Experience/Archangel Chamuel: This card indicates a recent event has provided a wake-up call or aha moment for you. This moment of awakening or freedom c…