I awoke early yesterday morning to the news that a beloved spiritual leader, Rev. Dr. Barbara Waterhouse, had made her transition the previous evening, on Easter Sunday. Despite my sadness at the loss, I had to smile at her choice of exit dates. Everything about Barbara was memorable.
But grief overtook the sweet memories as my morning progressed. I saw post after post from not only our spiritual center’s congregation, but tributes from the many people across the country and the world whose lives she touched.
It brought back memories of my beloved Joe’s transition, when I witnessed the outpouring of love from his many friends, relatives, and clients (who inevitably became friends). I still get messages from those who miss his earthly spirit.
With a heavy heart, I prepared to read the cards and write the message that would be sent today. Writing can be a way for me to release emotions, but sorrow somehow only increases as my pen crosses the page (or fingers slide across a keyboard).
I did the usual “change your outlook” activities. I took a walk, a nap, a shower—and still nothing was working to prompt the words I longed to share. There is one more, last-ditch, “spark-a-lizer” effort I take in desperate moments of writer frustration. I read previous work I’ve published.
That’s when I discovered it was the one-year anniversary of Tarot Tuesday. And wouldn’t you know it, although I didn’t mention Barbara by name, I referred to a method of changing your perspective when faced with the appearance of bad news or circumstances I learned from her. And like Barbara, the method is straightforward and powerful.
And so Barbara came through for me once more. I may spend the day mourning her loss, but I can share her words of wisdom once again. The message is timeless and deserves a fresh viewing. On the anniversary of the debut, here is a repeat performance of the original post, celebrating the secret to finding the silver lining inside what appears to be a storm cloud.
Tarot Tuesday
It’s not only how the cards are dealt. It’s how they’re read.
April 12, 2022
I had a mild panic attack after pulling the cards for this week’s reading…especially because this is the intro post for my new section on the site, Tarot Tuesday. I did everything in advance to assure the best results: cleared the area and myself, protected the area with crystals, took the cards outside to shuffle in the sun and fresh air while focusing on my question:
What is the most important message for the Collective this week?
Initially I pulled three cards and somewhat dismayed at first glance, took a deep breath and decided to turn a fourth to see where the energy was leading. Ugh, could it get worse?
Here were my pulls:
Two of Earth: Too much going at once. Financial instability or uncertainty. Need to make a decision. Try a different approach.
Eight of Air: Feeling trapped. Lack of self-confidence. Indecision. Afraid to act. Feeling victimized.
Five of Water: Things not turning out as you hoped. Focused on the negative. Complaining.
(See why I was having a panic attack?) So, where is this heading? Somewhere good, right? I pulled card #4. Not exactly.
Four of Water: Missing an opportunity. Discontent or boredom.
I put the deck down on the table like it was a burning coal. Really?
I have to admit, it did cross my mind to start over, but it wasn’t a serious consideration. A second reading would be inauthentic and worse—dishonest. It’s kind of like the feeling you might get if you swipe someone’s car in a parking lot. Your brain says, “Keep going!” but your heart (or your conscience) guides you to stop and find the owner or leave a note. (I hope that’s we’d do, anyway.)
Then I pulled myself together and let my intuition go to work instead of accepting the surface message. It took a few minutes but then a ”palm-smack to the forehead” moment ensued.
My first reaction of dismay and immediately assuming the worst was exactly the lesson of the spread. Things are rarely as they appear on the surface…especially if you let someone else’s evaluation or interpretation supersede your own.
We live in a world of duality: Everything has an opposite side, or the appearance of it. In truth, there’s only one thing going on, and it’s good.
In the spiritual center that Joe and I attended, the minister was famous for saying Yay! to anything you told her. Got a new job? Yay! Got fired? Yay! Found a new partner? Yay! Your partner left you for someone else? Yay!
So what was the secret behind her response to seemingly bad news? Those bad “results” were simply indications that something was wrong in the first place and their removal was the Universe’s way of freeing you for something better.
And if you take a moment to think about it, it’s true. How many times have you heard or said yourself that what initially seemed like adversity turned out to be a gift? An illness that inspired a change to a healthier diet or lifestyle. A lover who cheated cleared the way for you to meet and be available for your soulmate. A loss of job led to starting the business you always dreamed about.
Yet, every day we wake up to headlines that can ruin our day, if we let them. It’s not necessary to even look for something awful. We have lots of ways to ensure bad news reaches us without delay. Media, social media, talking to your neighbors, coworkers, and even some friends can assure that you don’t miss a single item of what’s wrong in the world or in life. Much of what you receive is their interpretation of the situation.
But every situation has bright side. Even the pandemic had some positive outcomes: decreased pollution and increased pet adoption are two tangible results.
Within the first two weeks of lockdown, people in India within viewing range of the Himalayas, the tallest mountain range in the world, reported being able to see the incredible peaks for the first time in 30 years! Every major city in the world experienced improved air quality. Species of plants that hadn’t bloomed in years sprang buds and flowers. Pet shelters were emptied by adoptive families and individuals. Overall, it was a win for Mother Earth and a lesson for her inhabitants.
Look again.
Let’s take another look at those four cards and how they can be interpreted using the Yay! Method.
Two of Earth: Too much going at once. Financial instability or uncertainty. Need to make a decision. Try a different approach. Yay! So many choices! Maybe mix things up a bit and see what happens. Lighten up. Focus on solutions and let creativity reign.
Eight of Air: Feeling trapped. Lack of self-confidence. Indecision. Afraid to act. Feeling victimized. Yay! Confidence is the key to freedom. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Follow your heart to happiness.
Five of Water: Things not turning out as you hoped. Focused on the negative. Complaining. Yay! Focus on gratitude for all the things working well in your life. Give thanks out loud. Look for new possibilities emerging.
Four of Water: Missing an opportunity. Discontent or boredom. Yay! Review the situation again. Have you overlooked something? Ask for help, if necessary. When you open up to new viewpoints, anything is possible.
I asked, “If the positive spin on the cards is followed, what will happen next? And then I drew a fifth card.
King of Water: This may be you or someone in, or soon-to-come into, your life. A kind, compassionate leader. A trustworthy partner. Loving, sensitive individual. Someone who values family and relationships.
So, not only is good news at hand, more is on the way!
2023 update
Although the loss of a loved one is never a time to yell Yay!, we can celebrate their time on Earth and place in our hearts every day. We can say Yes! to the light they left for us to continue to spread.
This weekend and new dates!
Spiritual Fusions Psychic & Holistic Fair: WNC Ag Center, Asheville, April 14-15
Spiritual Fusions Psychic & Holistic Fair: Blue Ridge Community College, Flat Rock, June 24-25
New event! Spiritual Fusions Psychic & Holistic Fair: AB Tech Community College, Asheville, August 19-20
Intuitive Guidance Readings by email! Details are in the ether and on the way to you shortly.