Where do we go from here?
We need a new route if all the old ones keep leading to the same place.
Dear Readers,
Today’s message is an update to a post from March 3, 2022, written shortly after Russia invaded the Ukraine. Once again the world is reeling from the shock of an aggressive, hostile, and inhumane assault.
Sometimes I wonder why we are shocked. Not because we should become accustomed to heinous behavior, but because we keep repeating patterns that lead to it.
Terrorism is hate crime on a grand scale. So is it any different than acts of violence and invasion of human rights directed at any religious, ethnic, gender, sex, or even political groups?
Every time hate or disapproval is spewed verbally, it contributes to the energy that creates terror and abuse. That energy morphs from person to person, collectively increasing in power and velocity until the sense of what it means to be individuals as humans disappears into a group label and the essence of being human is lost. Once no longer recognized as unique individuals, t…