In memoriam
Stephen tWitch Boss
Like so many others, I was deeply saddened by the loss of this young man this week. It’s been such a pleasure to watch his rise to what appeared to be a successful, happy, and joyous life.
I’ve been a fan since I first saw him on So You Think You Can Dance. His professional and personal life has been an inspiration. He radiated the essence of his love for dance, his wife and family, and life in general. I believe that radiance was an honest, true reflection of what was within him. I don’t know what darkness overtook him, but his suicide is evidence that what dwells within us is precious and must be protected.
We’re all going through so much stuff right now. Grief, the pain of the world, is pervasive and lingering. It can’t be written off as easily as simply being “the pressure of the holidays.” It goes deeper and will last longer.
The sense of being in a crisis or in a situation over which you have no control is real…