Tarot Tuesday
Due to my present [read: insane] writing schedule, I’m focusing on simplicity and brevity in all areas of my life. When I sat in my morning meditation today, I asked for guidance regarding this reading. I also asked my guides to keep it short. As you can see from today’s Card for the Collective, we’re on the same page.
My question as I shuffled the deck was, “What does the Collective need today for the highest good of all?”
FAITH. Humanity and Benevolence. In addition to being a common noun meaning “belief,” Faith is also a proper noun and the name of an archangel. The Twin Flame of Archangel Michael, Faith has a divine mission to help humans focus on their connection, rather than on separation. She wants to help us remember to see the love we have for ourselves in others.
The key principle here is that we must love ourselves first. Once we recognize the light …