My Story (Longer Version)
Hi, I’m Shelley Lieber, an intuitive empath with a gift for reading, clearing, and aligning energy.
I believe all beings have the gift of intuition, but like all traits, intuitive senses express more naturally in some than others. Although I was instinctively aware of my intuition and learned to rely on it for decisions, it wasn’t until I lost my husband in a very short span of time from cancer diagnosis to death at the height of Covid isolation that these gifts truly surfaced in a major way.
Experiencing my deep personal grief at the apex of global collective grief catapulted my energetic system into hyper-awareness, and I found myself embodying the pain and emotional distress of the planet in addition to my own.
I also became aware that my connection to those who had transitioned from form back to spirit was much stronger. I always had a sense of being in contact with loved ones who had passed, but I felt my husband’s presence with me from the moment he left his body. My desire to strengthen my ability to communicate with him led me down a new path of exploration.
Due to habits developed in a lifelong career in publishing and writing, I pursued my questions with extensive research into the energetic (quantum physics) and metaphysical realms. I took courses and enrolled in programs that explained what was happening to me and so many others around the world in a time of global crisis.
My search led me to the School of Intuitive Studies. My initial venture was a two-month course on healing energetic wounds, a profound experience that prompted me to pursue a two-year certification course in intuitive healing with Wendy De Rosa. I am now a graduate of the Intuitive Energy Healing Training Program and a Certified Energy Healer.
This training—in addition to my years of experience as a publishing consultant and wellness coach —is the framework within which I practice my inborn gifts, assisting others to develop their intuition and abilities to navigate life’s joys and challenges.
My intuitive healing sessions are customized to serve each individual’s unique needs. Sessions can include guided meditation, grounding, chakra or energy clearing, Tarot, crystal therapy, past life regression, or Akashic Records reading.
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Please visit the Intuitive Sessions page on this website for more information or to schedule a Free Discovery Call with me.
Nah, I just want to read stuff.
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