Everyone has an Inner Critic—that antagonistic voice in your mind that attacks, ridicules, and criticizes. For some it’s a minor annoyance, like a gnat buzzing about that can be remedied with one accurate smack. For others that voice can be a serious impediment to taking any kind of action and a destroyer of self-confidence.
My Inner Critic has an especially sharp red pencil. I’m not surprised. I’ve been a professional editor for over 45 years and it’s my job to find mistakes and correct them. My sharp pencil, however, is never so finely honed to a cutting edge as when positioned over myself. In that position, it has taken extreme delight in cutting me to shreds on occasion.
Many writers, artists, and performers suffer from Overactive Inner Critic Syndrome (OICS). You won’t find OICS listed in any traditional medical diagnosis document. I made up the name for that condition. However, I assure you, it is real.
You’ve heard of one-hit wonders in almost ever…