You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows
Was Dylan talking about common sense—or intuition?
It’s happened to everyone. You hear a tune and one line keeps repeating in your head. It can even be annoying—especially if you don’t particularly like the song or lyric.
My late husband, Joe, would wake up with a tune in his head. Invariably, it would be some ‘50s doo-wop lyric. He’d sing it to me, shifting the curse for me to bear. Even if I sang it back, it stuck with me, not him.
But in the years since my awareness shift, a lyric will simply come to me out of nowhere and repeat without mercy until I get a story idea from it. These are very different in nature than the rote repetitions of melody fragments I hum after hearing a song.
No, these are delivered as messages. Like the one I got from the Bob Dylan lyric:
You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Whoosh, it came in during a shower. It stayed with me for hours until I finally sat with it in meditation. Aha! We need to ask:
What else don’t you need an expert for?
Common Sense
Some things are common sense—a built-in trait that many people simply fail to use. As a culture, we’ve grown dependent on getting our information from outside sources. So, instead of sticking our heads out the window or actually stepping outdoors, we check our phone apps. Of course when Dylan wrote Subterranean Homesick Blues in 1963, there was only the TV weatherman, the newspaper, and your eyes and ears to rely on.
Yet as many times as weather predictions are wrong, we still give our power to someone else to advise, even though most information is available to us directly.
I”m not talking about the 10-day forecast, but certainly to check something like wind direction, our personal experience in the moment is more valid the meteorologist’s. The weather person (substitute any “expert”) is not standing in our shoes or experiencing what we are from our perspective.
Common sense involves thinking—discerning for yourself.
And where does the “sense” part come from? Sometimes life experience.
But ofttimes it stems from an inner knowing—your intuition. You sense something’s not right or is right. You feel it or know it without tangible evidence. Maybe you hear an inner voice or get a vision or see a sign that makes you stop and think.
Intuition is as real as—and often more accurate than—science or what some authority figure, expert, or guru tells you. Information from outside sources may not always serve your highest good. An extreme example of following without thought is cult behavior, which is instilled by training humans to simply obey against instinct, aka “brainwashing.”
But similar to instinct in animals, intuition is the tool all humans are born with and have had in their DNA since the inception of the species.
Early humankind didn’t have anything other than their senses to survive. No Apple watch, GPS, iPhone, TV, newspaper, internet, talk show, or any source of information other than their own wits. They used their five senses and an inner source of guidance (sixth sense/intuition) that led them to what they needed.
It’s still in you. No matter how many generations it’s been between then and now. And for much of that time, power grabbers have tried to train or socialize that inner power out of you.
But no matter to what degree your intuition has been subdued, it is still there in your DNA.
You are an intuitive being and everything you need to know is inside you.
I’ll repeat that for good measure and to make sure you’re paying attention. ⬇️
You are an intuitive being and everything you need to know is inside you.
Project Intuition 2025
Project Intuition 2025 is my version of what our culture needs to focus on now and certainly into coming years. (I know there’s another project out there with 2025 as part of its name, but that’s a perfect example of the antithesis of what I’m suggesting.)
Tapping into your intuition is a combination of relearning how to listen to your inner voice and unlearning the self-sabotaging crap you’ve been inundated with.
It’s learning to trust yourself and your ability to choose correctly for your own highest good and the highest good of all.
It’s learning to recognize the gentle nudges the Universe (call it what you will, Source, God, Angel, Higher Self, or Spirit) sends your way to inform your decisions.
It’s learning to discern what is yours and what is not.
It’s learning to lean into yourself, to the beautiful and vast ocean of good, solid know-how that you already possess and listen for the answers to your questions.
Project Intuition 2025 isn’t 900 pages long or even in print yet. It’s evolving for me, similar to the way this transmission came through me to you today. It started with Dylan’s lyric and morphed into an email newsletter. That’s what listening to the guidance, following your heart, and trusting your source is all about. It’s flow.
Introducing two new series and a Tarot shake up
For upcoming weeks, months, and well into next year, I’ll be writing about how to connect with yourself, tap into intelligence you probably didn’t know you had, and feel more confident about trusting yourself in Project Intuition 2025.
No need to subscribe to anything new.
The messages will appear right here as always. It won’t be every issue, of course. I have another series that I’ll be introducing shortly, plus a new way of presenting the Tarot spreads—all coming your way in the next few weeks. (Keep your fingers crossed for the Tarot change up…it’s something brand new for me and I’m excited and nervous for its introduction!)
Contest Update
Last week I sent an email with a contest challenge to test your intuition and guess the title of this email from four possible choices of Bob Dylan lyrics. Either not many of you trusted your intuition or perhaps you missed it, but I did not receive a correct response :(
As I am always an optimist, this is a sign to me that running another contest once the Project Intuition 2025 Series is in full bloom will be more timely.
I hope this letter helps support you on your journey. Until next time…My best, Shelley
Free Discovery Call
Are you interested in getting some one-on-one training on how to develop and use your intuition for better decision-making? Schedule a free 15-minute call and let’s see if we’re a match on an energetic level.